The hand of God
I don't really like to "over spiritualize" experiences--you know just say that God says this, and the devil did that. I am realizing how much God really does talk to me, and how much the Devil really is at work to try and destroy.
I went for a hike the other day. It was so captivatingly beautiful--there was actually water in the Eaton Canyon Basin for the first time since I've lived in LA. And the moon--the moon was half full and it's pale incandecent glow was bright in the blue sky. It's funny because I kept expecting the moon to go away or to disappear, but each time I looked up, there was the moon! It did not disappear or go away, but stood, still and quiet in the sky. I heard the Lord say to me, "the moon and I are the same, I will never leave you or forsake you, but you will not always think that I am there". When I was walking back, it was getting a little dark, and I wished the moon were brighter to light may way. I thought I needed more light. Yet my food never faltered. There was just enough light to keep going. I think sometimes my walk with God is like that-- I feel like I want more light. I feel like I want more direction and guidelines. I want a seeing eye dog, but I still want to be able to see. I heard the lord say "there is enough for you. I am enough for you." Even when I want more, there is enough for my needs.
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