Searching for God knows what

This is a blog created as an application, a search for dedication, mystery, and resolve to be more reflective and write more. That said, this will be a forum for my thoughts, my theological and philosohpical explorations, and might include snipets of creative projects: literary and otherwise.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Raw, Vegan, Simple?

I've been thinking a lot about food and nutrition. This I think is in part due to the fact that I'm attempting to be healthier and get vitamins and minerals directly from my diet and not have to add in supplements etc (check out this website: also partially due to looking at my kids and seeing what bad nutrition they have! When I was in India, a nurse told me that the poor are often chronically constipated due to the lack of fiber in their diet. When I look at my kids' eating habits I know that must be true! So I've been thinking of creative ways that we can encourage healthy eating, get them to try new foods, and make sure that at least one meal a week (which they eat with us) is both inexpensive (for us) and nutritious. Thus far we've put our own toppings on frozen pizza, made spaghetti, and made breakfast casserole with potatoes and eggs and some veggies. I'm thinking about doing a garden with the kids... but we'll see if we can pull it off.

The thing I'm worried about and thinking about specifically is that I've been doing a lot of reading about the raw food diet. Some people think this is a fad, some don't. The really ironic thing about the diet, whether you agree with it or not is the fact that almost all of the foods require some type of gadget--food processor, juicer, dehydrator--ridiculous! Proponents of the "Raw Food Revolution" say that this type of diet has been around for millions of years and that we're the only animal that cooks their food. But apparently on this diet we're the only animals that will spend 100's of dollars on kitchen gadgets in order to get enough calories and nutrients. Crazy I think. Though I have to admit, I am going raw one day a week for health and fitness reasons, and looking at the recipes the raw carrot cake looks awfully tempting. This idea that we can eat whatever mock foods as long as they are raw sounds awesome. That is if I had a spare 100 bucks and an extra 2-3 hours a day. For now, I'm sticking with our local Mexican owned grocery, incorporating some organic sprouted grains (from which I make bread), and trying to start this garden.

Friday, April 20, 2007

But Strive First.

But strive first, the kingdom of heaven, and all of these things shall be added unto you as well.

I've been thinking about worry. Actually, I've been worried about my worry. Ironic, huh? It seems that Jesus addresses worry in Matthew 6 (Sermon on the Mount) with a replacement philosophy. He doesn't just say "don't worry!" He says, strive first the kingdom of heaven and you won't need to worry.

I've been thinking about this in the context of my job (which I hate). I've been looking for a new job for over a month and a half. I've been praying that my job would improve since I was employed six months ago. I'm worried. Worried that I will never get a better job. Worried that I will always be at Fuller, always be hating my job (and thus 8 hours of my life), worried that God's not going to come through for me. I'm honestly worried that Jesus won't really take care of me. Or that being a disciple here, away from my home, always means the most amount of suffering, and the most amount of burnout. I think in my heart of hearts I'm really afraid that Jesus will remove from me what I love the most and leave me with nothing except a spiritual novum called "eternal life" or "heaven" for which I will have no earthly reference frame.

Yet, Luke put Jesus' words like this "Don't worry little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." I don't really know how to wrestle with that-- it's pretty clear that God will grant us the kingdom now, here, currently. And perhaps he already has. If I think about the fact that I have complete medical insurance, have enough spare cash to plan a trip to China, enough money to pay my bills--this is hardly suffering. Not only that but God promises to be with me, even in the job that I hate, even if I can't pay my bills. God is good--that's very true, it's just that sometimes I am too myopic to see his grace.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I've turned into that person....

So... while on the plane to Seattle I fell ill. I think it was my period or something (which apparently I'm allergic to!) I was sooo sick that I couldn't get on the bus to ride downtown and see all the great Seattle sights. Instead I thought, well maybe I'll just lay low at the airport. The Seattle airport has this great little room with a huge fountain and natural light, and it's awesome. So I chilled there for a while, still ill. Well, I told myself, I'll just walk around. OMG, the whole time I was praying outloud, pleading with God to not let me puke right there. And then it hit me in the middle of "Oh Jesus, thank you lord" that I have turned into one of those persons (you know the one that is always praising God, even for a parking place). I think I would have pulled my bible out and started reading out loud if it would have helped. You know the funny thing is I didn't think it was all that unnatural to be mumbling my praises to God outloud in an airport... huh, maybe I am that person! weird.