Better a little with righteousness
than much gain with injustice.
This is a blog created as an application, a search for dedication, mystery, and resolve to be more reflective and write more. That said, this will be a forum for my thoughts, my theological and philosohpical explorations, and might include snipets of creative projects: literary and otherwise.
This week, my work with my clients has really been speaking to me. I have two client's who have awful home lives--they are full of pain and neglect and verbal abuse. Their parents do not and will not care to change, and the teenagers are stuck with parents who call them names, do not give them money, will not let them have jobs because it affects their SSI check, and do not really give a crap if they thrive. This has really caused me and my coworker to examine our approach, we have decided that since the environment in which they live will most likely not change or transform (all though we may hope for that), we are working on building skills, including self-esteem and self-image that will last beyond their home contexts and is not dependent upon them. Building such self-image is vital to maturity and thriving because it means that they can both last (emotionally) in their crappy families and it means that they can later last in other situations (though we hope they will not voluntarily submit themselves to them).
Apologizes to those of you that read this post and were confused, hurt, or upset by it. Community is one thing that I have been thinking a lot about. I do believe God is teaching me much about community, how to do it, and how to do it well. Much of my life, I have struggled with a sense of isolation, not really fitting into any mold. I have expected that my community and Servant Parnters to fill this void, be able to understand and identify with me and be able to love me well. I have been wrong in this expectation. Not because the community does not love me, meet some of my needs, or understand and identify with me, but because without presentation of my needs to my community, and without caring for them in return; there can be no real exchange of compassion and love. This is something I am learning how to do. It is difficult, painful, and stretching. It is in effect, learning how to care for myself. When I can care for myself, by presenting my needs to a loving community, my needs will be addressed. In my last post (now deleted), I wrote that I did not want to be part of a community that neither knows nor is equipped to deal with these issues (isolation, loss of identity, etc). This still stands: I do not want to be part of that community; but I do not think (now or then) that our class is that community that neither knows nor cares, and I have been wrestling with how to make my needs known to the community so that people are equipped to deal with my issues.
I don't really like to "over spiritualize" experiences--you know just say that God says this, and the devil did that. I am realizing how much God really does talk to me, and how much the Devil really is at work to try and destroy.